Similar to Other Nominated Programs
Diamond Classic Bred Horses
The Diamond Classic will have a ONE TIME nomination fee for all participating Horses of $250 for bred horses due September 1st of their 3 year old year, if deadline is missed a late fee of $350 can be paid until December 31st of that same year. If an eligible horse is not paid in prior it will not be eligible to run in ANY Diamond Classic events. and will be subject to late fees listed below

Diamond Classic Breeders Purchased Horses
AS A Breeder ONLY you can nominate any horse you purchase/own you will have a 1 time nomination fee of $350 within the first year of purchase regardless of age of the horse to nominate you must send in bill of sale and registration papers with ownership on papers. after the first year of ownership the fee will be $2,000
If an eligible horse is not paid in prior it will not be eligible to run in ANY Diamond Classic events. and will be subject to to late fees listed below Owner Bred Nomination Fee
Diamond Classic Bred Horses
- $250 up to September 1st of their 3yr old year
- $350 3 year old from September 1st to December 31st
- $2,000 4-8 year olds
- $400 9 year olds and up
Slot Owner Nominated Horses
- $350 within first year of ownership (must include bill of sale and registration papers)
- $2000 after first year of ownership (must include bill of sale and registration papers and be current owner)
Missed Nomination Exemptions:
If any Eligible foal misses the initial nomination timeline because it was competing in a Different event and you submit proof to the Diamond Classic of the said Eligible horse competing, you have 1 year following the end of its previous career to nominate at the initiating nomination price of $250. After the year of previous competition regular nomination rules apply. (examples to submit: Track Entries or earnings, NCHA Futurity Entries or earnings, Roping Futurities Entries or earnings)